LightBerry is provided for general informational purposes only.
I do my best to provide accurate information, but please understand that I am not a medical doctor or expert in any field. Please do not consider my opinions to be substitutes for sound professional advice.
Except where otherwise noted, all content is my own and never influenced by any advertiser or affiliate, even in cases in which the products being discussed are received as free samples. In other words, if I say I like something, you can trust that I truly like it.
None of the content or opinions are ever meant to harm or malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company or individual.
Some posts will include affiliate links. This means that in some instances when I mention a product and provide a link to it, I will get a small commission in the event that you choose to shop through that particular link.
I also use banner advertising in my sidebar.
All of these help to support the blog and help it to stay online, to bring you the highest quality content.
The content published on the blog is protected by copyright, and any unauthorized copying, reproduction, republishing, uploading, posting, transmitting or duplicating of any of the material is prohibited without my express written permission. To obtain permission to copy portions of the blog, please send an e-mail to me at oxana@light-berry.com.
If you have any questions about any of this do feel free to contact me.