Beauty Sleep Tips For Beautiful Skin

Beautiful skin starts with a healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle consists of health nutrition, workout routines, sufficient sleep, using sunscreen products, drinking much water, smoking cessation and limited caffeine and alcohol consumption. You should also remember that appearance depends much on genetic background, but skin health can be improved.

Beauty Sleep Tips for Skin

Today we will speak about: how to sleep properly?!

Cells of our body recover from daily stress during sleep.

Sleep deprivation is a big stress for entire body and leads the unpleasant consequences, such as headache, tiredness, irritability. It makes the skin less resilient, prone to wrinkles, skin irritation, acne and dark circles under your eyes.  Remember that sleep deprivation increases the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression.

So, if you want to be beautiful and healthy, be sure to sleep enough and sleep properly:
  • 7-9 hours of sleeping is quite enough! Nevertheless, do not overdo it! Sleeping over 10 hours may adversely affect the skin.
  • Try to go to bed at the same time! Do not violate your biological clocks. Do not forget about your own body, heed your body and it helps you to organize your sleep. If falling asleep is difficult, try to relax (have a warm bath, massage and pleasant aromas in your bedroom)
  • Before go to bed it is necessary to remove your makeup!
  • Take care of your linens! Choose a nice bed linen, which is comfortable and pleasant to sleep.
  • Do not put your face on the pillow while sleeping! It makes the skin around eyes aging faster.
  • Wear comfortable pajamas! Sleepwear should not interfere your movements.

I adore different sleepwear that is why I always buy many pajamas.

  • Ventilate your bedroom! The air should be fresh in the room. The optimum temperature for sleep is 20-22ºC.

In summer, we turn on the air conditioner while sleeping. I use that, which is in our living room, and I do not close the bedroom’s door.

  • Do not eat before bed! The work of digestive system will not let you have a good sleep. However, on the other hand you should not go to bed when you are hungry. It is advisable to have some digestible food before bedtime.

Do you get enough sleep? How many hours do you sleep at night?

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