I hope you guys enjoy getting to know me a bit better! Here is some information about me that you did not know.


1. What are you wearing? I’m wearing grey sweater and blue jeans.

2. Have you ever been in love? Yes.

3. Did you ever have a terrible breakup? Aren’t all breakups terrible at the time?! I’ve experienced it myself.

4. How tall are you? 5’4ft

5. How much do you weigh? 48 kg

6. Do you have any tattoos? Yes. I have two tattoos.

7. Do you have any piercings? I have 5 ear piercings & a belly button piercing. 

8. What’s your favorite drink? Coffee and water.

9. What’s favorite show? I can’t only choose one, but at the moment: Desperate Housewives, Gossip Girl, Sex and the City.

10. What’s your favourite band? I love so many different kinds of music; it’s hard to narrow it down sometimes.

11. Something you really miss? Travel. I want to travel more often.

12. What’s your favourite song? To be honest, I don’t have a favourite song. I really like France Gall – Resiste.

13. How old are you? 33 – meh…

14. What’s your Zodiac sign? I’m an Aquarius.

15. Quality you look for in a partner? Kindness and honesty

16. Favourite Quote? Truly serious commitment to a goal is half the success in achieving it. – Wilhelm von Humboldt.

17. Favourite actor? I can’t choose, maybe – Vin Diesel.

18. What’s your favourite colour? Turquoise.

19. Loud music or soft? Soft.

20. Where do you go when you’re sad? I watch an episode of my favourite series.

21. How long does it take you to shower? Between 20 and 30 minutes.

22. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? If I’m going out somewhere which actually probably takes longer than 30 minutes.

23. Ever been in a physical fight? Only with my sister when I was way younger.

24. What turns you on? Sense of humour, intelligence.

25. What turns you off? Bad hygiene and if you are not honest and lie instead!

26. The reason I started a blog? I always liked reading reviews or looking at blog posts, and that motivated me.  I wanted to share my knowledge and experiences with anyone who would take the time to read my posts.

27. Do you have any fears? What are they? The ocean, insects.

28. Last thing that made you cry? Cutting onions.

29. Last time you said you loved someone? Today.

30. Meaning behind your blog name? Just came to mind so I had it.

31. Last book you read? The miracle morning.

32. The book you’re currently reading? I’m not currently.

33. Last show you watched? Game of Thrones.

34. Who’s the last person you talked to? My son.

35. The relationship between you and the person you last texted? Husband.

36. Favourite food? Salad with capers and olives.

37. Place you want to visit? I want to visit some small and distant islands.

38. Last place you were? My mama’s house.

39. Do you have a crush? Yes.

40. What’s the last time you kissed someone? Today.

41. Last time you were insulted? I can’t remember the last time I was insulted.

42. Favourite flavour of sweet? Cinnamon.

43. What instruments do you play? I used to play the piano, not anymore though.

44. Favourite piece of jewellery? My engagement ring.

45. Have you ever used it? Yes.

46. Last sport you played? I’m not the sporty type…

47. Last song you sang? Avicii – Lonely Together (feat.Rita Ora)

48. Favourite chat up line? Don’t have any.

49. Last time you hung out with someone? Today!

50. Who should answer these questions next? Anyone who would like to do this tag – let me know when your TMI Tag blog post is up, I’d love to check it out!

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