6 Easy Vacation Beauty Tips

I’ve decided to talk about beauty during vacation, because now many people are already on vacation, someone is just planning. And for most people this post will be relevant.

beauty tips on vacation

I think you do not need to say that it is FORBIDDEN to go out without sunscreen!

My beauty tips will be related to …
  • Do not take on vacation only new, not tested by you skincare, bodycare and haircare products. I made such a mistake when I went on vacation last time and decided to buy in a dutyfree shop some brand new haircare and skincare products that I wanted to try during the trip. This was my huge mistake! I should have taken the proven skin care products also because, unfortunately, some products didn’t suit me.
  • Do not take 7 nail polishes, even if you are on vacation for 2 weeks. I go on vacation 3-4 times a year and I always make the same mistake. I take with me different nail polishes, hoping that I will manicure and pedicure several times. But on vacation there is always not enough time for this. You sunbathe, swim, enjoy walks, drink good wine and absolutely do not want to sit in the room and apply nail polish) It is better paint your nails at home with a good nail polish, such as Essie or OPI (I wear them for more than a week) and take the same color with me to renew your manicure once. Believe me, you will save time and space in the suitcase)
  • Take proven tools! Take only good quality tweezers and brushes. Because during vacation there is no time for spending hours on a makeup. It is necessary to do everything quickly and efficiently, and not to think that the brush loses its shape, and the tweezers work badly.
  • Do not forget to take those products, without which you cannot live! As for me those are mineral powder and facial spray. You will be sure that in an emergency “your helpers” are always at hand.
  • Take a break! Give your hair a rest during vacation. You don’t have to make curls constantly, braids with weave or stretch them with flat iron. Let your hair rest, too!
  • Bring a new fragrance! As for me, I’m the person who connects memories with fragrance and music. Usually I buy some fragrance in a dutyfree shop and use it on vacation. And after return home it gives me pleasant memories every time I apply it.

And the final tip! Smile, keep positive mood, breathe deeper and do not forget about vacation)

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  • sonia // daring coco
    February J, 2018

    Yes to those nail polishes. I do the same thing too. But I always make sure I use OPI because Essie chips far too easily on me. The only thing is some countries have issues with nail polish too. Last year on my way to Europe I had a bottle in my handbag and it was fine but on the way back I put it in my suitcase and had issues with it in China. Don’t know if this is standard or just my luck hahaha


    • Oxana
      February J, 2018

      I always put nail polishes in my suitcase and never had any problems. This is strange)))