Healthy Food For Beautiful Skin

Beautiful skin starts with a healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle consists of health nutrition, workout routines, sufficient sleep, using sunscreen products, drinking much water, smoking cessation and limited caffeine and alcohol consumption. You should also remember that appearance depends much on genetic background, but skin health can be improved.
Today we will speak about health nutrition.
Definitely we all know what is healthy and what is not. But I think that this post would be useful either for me or for you as a reminder that you can look through any minute and improve your shopping list)))
- The most essential is, of course, eating more fruit and vegetables. They contain lots of vitamins and minerals.
Don’t forget about vitamin complex ACE for beautiful skin.
A has an anti-aging effect, C provides clarity and shine, E protects from environmental hazards.
- Vitamin A foods include carrots, cantaloupe, spinach, sweet potatoes, watercress, broccoli, egg yolk and dairy products.
- Vitamin C foods include bell peppers, leafy greens, strawberries, grapefruits, oranges, broccoli and tomatoes.
- Vitamin E foods include red cabbage, tomatoes, celeriac, pumpkins, bell peppers, spinach, parsley, plums, avocado,wheat germ, nuts and whole grains.
- Also add legumes, products from wholemeal and whole grains, fish, nuts and dairy to your diet. These foods contain zinc which helps drive away zits.
- Don’t forget about biotin (sometimes it is indicated as vitamin H and it can be included in vitamins B group), it is essential for healthy skin, hair and nails. Peanut butter, liver, whole grains, eggs, yeast and vegetables contain biotin and help to prevent hair loss and dermatitis.
- Fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains are a good source of vitamins and minerals, though they provide few calories.
- Cook meals from wheat, buckwheat, barley, oatmeal, chicken, lamb, fish, turnip, beet, green leaf vegetables and add rye bread, natural yogurt, cheese, milk, honey to your diet.
Eating these products you influences not only your health and general well-being, but also your appearance.
I’ve made a short list of products that I would always have in my fridge in case I’m hungry))) Healthy products that can satisfy hunger and thirst.
- Nuts
- Yoghurts
- Crispbreads
- Cocoa powder
- Bars
- Ricotta, mozzarella
- Cottage cheese
- Eggs
- Water with lemon juice
- Fruits and vegetables
Tell me, what kind of food do you prefer? What do you like as a snack? What are your favorite vegetables and fruit?