The Best Homemade Iced Coffee Recipe

I’m a huge fan of coffee, natural coffee in particular, not instant coffee.  I drink it everyday, I have tried different types of it. Recently I decided to vary my morning and make a coffee cocktail. It was very delicious and refreshing. Of course, it will be a real godsend in hot weather, but you can pamper yourself even in winter.

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To recap, it’s making coffee without heat–mix and let it sit, then filter.

This amount is enough only for two large glasses.

If you do not use all the concentrate at once, it can be stored tightly sealed in the refrigerator up to 1 month.

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Iced coffee

Prep Time12 hours
Cook Time5 minutes
Total Time12 hours 5 minutes
Course: coffee, drink


  • 65 gr medium-ground coffee
  • 500 ml cold water
  • sugar
  • milk


  • Combine coffee grounds and water in a large jar, stir well, cover and let it rest at room temperature for 24 hours or for night.
  • To filter, pour through a fine-mesh strainer a couple of times. Line the strainer with a paper towel and filter again once or twice. I used coffee filters.
  • Store in the fridge.
  • Pour one third of the concentrate in a glass, add sugar to taste, stir, add more ice and pour milk up to the top.
  • Enjoy your iced coffee!

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